Facts About Propane Powered Clothes Dryers

Propane clothes dryers provide homeowners a powerful, convenient, and timely laundry solution. Compared with electric dryers, a propane clothes dryer will dry your laundry quicker and more efficiently. Propane dryers also offer the latest technological advancements such as steam cycles to de-wrinkle and freshen garments, drum lights for a clear look into your cycle, and LCD control screens that are user friendly. With propane, your day won’t be sacrificed due to laundry.

Propane clothes dryers provide homeowners a powerful, convenient, and timely laundry solution. Compared with electric dryers, a propane clothes dryer will dry your laundry quicker and more efficiently. Propane dryers also offer the latest technological advancements such as steam cycles to de-wrinkle and freshen garments, drum lights for a clear look into your cycle, and LCD control screens that are user friendly. With propane, your day won’t be sacrificed due to laundry.

Propane dryers are available in different sizes, with burners usually ranging from 18,000 Btu/h up to 30,000 Btu/h. Electric dryers have heating output levels at the low end of this range. This translates to quicker drying cycles for propane clothes dryers. Propane clothes dryers can bring families over 20 percent in energy savings compared with electric dryers. The performance and financial savings are formed by the propane dryer’s higher heating capacity, shorter cycle times, and features like pilotless ignition.

Adding a propane dryer to your home is one step in building a resilient home. To read more about resilient homes, click HERE. Contact your local Blossman Gas store for more appliance choices and to schedule a qualified service technician for an estimate on your dryer.