DIY Homemade Bath Bomb

Tankless water heaters provide endless hot water to fill your tub to the top every time. These DIY bath bombs are sure to make bath time even more relaxing. Go ahead, you deserve it.

DIY Homemade Bath BombSupplies:

1 cup baking soda
½ cup citric acid
½ cup Epsom salt
½ cup corn starch
1 teaspoon water
3 tablespoons coconut oil (can substitute olive or castor oil)
Vegetable-based food coloring
Essential oils (your choice!)
1 Small & 1 Medium-size bowls
Bath bomb mold



Add all dry ingredients in large bowl and whisk together.

In the small bowl, mix the liquid ingredients together.

*Pro Tip: To create beautifully colored bath bombs, mix your food coloring before adding it to the small bowl of liquids.

In the large bowl, slowly begin to add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients a little at a time. The mixture should bind together and not crumble.

*Pro Tip: Slowly combine these two mixtures. The mixture will activate and begin to fizz if you mix them together too quickly.

Once thoroughly mixed, pack the mixture into the bath bomb molds, pack tightly, and let dry. Work quickly during this process so the mixture doesn’t dry out.

Store the bath bombs in an airtight container. The Bath Bombs will need several days to fully harden, otherwise they will crumble.

Homemade Bath Bombs